Friday, October 19, 2007

The Librarian's Workout

D and I have decided to write an exercise book. We're going to call it the Librarian's Workout. Among other things, it will include:

  • Hauling boxes of books from one end of a building to another.
  • When that gets boring, hauling piles of books without the boxes. Preferable large and awkward piles.
  • Moving shelf-loads of books from the bottom of an eight-foot shelf to the very top, and then moving the books from a top shelf to the very bottom.
  • Running up and down aisles with an armload of books, looking for the spot they belong while trying not to be away from the desk for more than thirty seconds.
  • Escorting demanding patrons from one section to another, and then another, and another...
  • Nodding and smiling at the demanding patrons while escorting them (this move for advanced librarians only).
  • Beating one's head against the wall. Hard.
I realize that this job isn't as physically demanding as, say, construction work. But anyone who thinks that librarians just sit around and read all day is sadly deluded. By the time we were done setting up for the book sale last Friday, every one of us had aching muscles and assorted bruises and bumps. Weeding can give me sore legs and shoulders for days. And I burn more calories nodding and smiling at idiots than I would if I went out and bought a treadmill.

Which is probably a good thing, since some days the only way we can get through it without screaming is by the judicious application of chocolate. Sometimes in alarmingly large quantities.

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